HOT NEWS! Your experience is probably worth a lot less than you think

HOT NEWS! Your experience is probably worth a lot less than you think
Kategori : technology-news

Do you work in software? Do you have more than a decade of experience? You do? I�m sorry to hear that. That means there�s a strong possibility that much of what you know is already obsolete. Worse yet, there�s a good chance that you�re set in anachronistic ways, hidebound with habits which are now considered harmful. If you think your experience is automatically valuable, I warn you: think again.
To be clear, I am not arguing in favor of age discrimination, which is wrong, illegal, and stupid. (Some of the finest engineers I�ve ever known, who anyone would be happy to hire in a heartbeat, are in their 50s.) I am, however, arguing that tech�s ever-accelerating pace of change means that people tend to greatly overestimate the value of their experience, the returns from which diminish every year.
People say �the principles remain the same, you just apply them to different tools / in different environments� � but that�s, at best, a falsely comforting half-truth.
Consider: back in the day, object-oriented development was the solution to all of our problems; now it�s a problem to which many solutions are proposed. Once upon a time, every web developer knew, axiomatically, that you never mixed HTML and JavaScript, because of separation of concerns; but then came React.
The status quo isn�t going to stabilize any time soon. Around the world, veteran developers with �valuable� experience are already being asked, with honest bafflement: �Wait, why are you trying to write an algorithm for this? Why not just train a model in TensorFlow?�
I don�t mean to imply that all knowledge and experience becomes worthless. Some lessons, and some well-developed instincts, are indeed very nearly universal. Some platforms � Android, iOS, containers in the cloud, etc. � will be around long enough, and accumulate changes slowly enough, that their understanding will be valuable for a long while yet.
But there has still been a significant sea change. The de facto assumption for most of the twentieth century was that experience was assumed high-value unless proven otherwise. In technology, in software, this is no longer the case. Increasingly, instead, your experience beyond a certain point � say, 5-10 years, depending on many factors � is assumed low-value unless proven otherwise.
This doesn�t only apply to hard technical skills. Managing people scattered across six time zones via Slack and Google Hangouts is very different from managing in person; managing in a high-growth startup is very different from managing in a large static company. Whether you�re a developer, DevOps, or a manager, you never get to stop having to constantly prove yourself. That is the nature of the tech beast.
The most important skill, one that truly doesn�t get old, is the meta-skill of constantly learning new things � and that meta-skill can rust and wither away, too, if it languishes unused. If you�ve been doing the very same thing at work for the last few years, without working on any side projects of your own, then I am sorry to report that your career is already rotting away from within, without you even knowing it.
Don�t let that happen. �Stay hungry, stay foolish.� That isn�t just good advice; these days, it�s an imperative.

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